Because you’ve been working hard all week, here at HRwisdom we thought we’d congratulate you by reminding you of some of the fun things we’ve shared here recently.
However, something we read recently has us wondering if indeed you have actually been working hard all week?
Why the wild accusation?
Well, what would you think if, after a little digging, you discovered the following details about the daily routine of your top performing employee?
“9am, arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours, watch cat videos; 11.30am, take lunch; 1pm, eBay; 2pm-ish, Facebook updates, LinkedIn; 4.40pm-end of day, update email to management; 5pm, go home.”
Perhaps you’d consider issuing a written warning letter?
This is exactly what has happened at a US firm but it gets even better.
It turns out, that, unbeknownst to his employer, the top performer had outsourced his job to China.
May we suggest that you check out the full story at the Irish Times newspaper where’ll you discover how this employee had not only “spent less than one-fifth of his six-figure salary for a Chinese firm to do his job for him,” had had also set up similar arrangements with other US employers in his home town.
We’re quite sure that this probably answers the question: why did they fire this employee?
Whilst we are impressed with the world-wide success of Tim Ferriss’s book, The Four Hour Workweek, we think it’s possible that this employee may have gone one step too far.
Back to our congratulating you on a week’s work well done, here are some of the fun HR things we’ve shared on HRwisdom recently . . .
The world’s first job interview (HRwisdom on Facebook)
How to welcome your new staff from overseas
The office Christmas party from hell (HRwisdom on Facebook)
Teamwork video
Dilbert – the new management book
Stay tuned next week as we have some powerful information coming to you on how to get the best out of your workforce.